Member's Guide

Table of Contents

Welcome to Hedhofis!
> Team
> Survey
> Emergencies

The Archie application
> Helpful information
> Billing
> Questions and problems

The spaces
> Common areas
> Kitchen
> Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
> Bicycles
> Access
> Guests
> Internet
> Office cleaning

Hedhofis rules
> Cohabitation
> Reservations
> Collaboration
> Pets

Welcome to Hedhofis!

This guide contains everything you need to know about your new work environment. We created it to give you helpful information to refer to from day one of your experience in our spaces. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or to inquire about all possible options.


The Hedhofis team is at your service at all times. Whatever you need, we will do our best to help you get it. Our aim is to make your Hedhofis experience as enjoyable as possible!

Frédéric Deshaies

Fannie Deshaies
Property Manager

Charles Dubreuil
Leasing agent

Karine Foisy
Administrative Assistant

Frédérique Simard
Leasing agent


We will be emailing you a survey a few weeks after you get settled in. This will give you the opportunity to provide feedback on your new work environment and to ask any questions. That said, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. We are here to support you on a daily basis.


In the event of an emergency, dial 911 immediately. If an alarm goes off, evacuate the building. Gather your team members in one spot and make sure everyone is accounted for. Note that it is forbidden to smoke outside the building during an evacuation. Remain outside until you are given the go-ahead to return to your workspace.

First aid kit. Each tenant business is responsible for making a first aid kit available to its employees. A first aid kit is also available in each Hedhofis kitchen.

Upon your arrival at Hedhofis, you will receive an email giving you access to the Archie application, with instructions on how to set up your profile. This app gives you access to all the important information about your workspace. If you did not receive this email, please let us know.

To access the app, click here.

Helpful information

The left side of the Archie app screen contains all the information you need to do the following:

• Obtain the Wi-Fi password;
• Book a meeting room;
• Answer an invitation to a Hedhofis community event;
• Place an order with the store;
• Send a ticket to the Help Desk;
• Get information on the services and discounts available to members.


You can manage all your account details in the Archie app: invoice history, payment terms, past due and future payments, credits, etc. You will also find a copy of your security deposit.

To access the terms of the contract you signed with Hedhofis, click here.

Questions and problems

If you want to ask the Hedhofis team a question or report a problem, you must create a ticket by opening the Archie app and selecting Help Desk. This will notify us of your request and allow us to quickly respond.

The spaces

Common areas

Hedhofis provides you with common areas you can use to connect with the other tenants, arrange meetings on the fly or simply take a break.


Each kitchen has a refrigerator tenants can use. Note that any food left in the refrigerator at the end of the day on Friday will be thrown out. There are also coffee machines, water coolers and microwave ovens at your disposal.

Personal dishware and utensils: You must wash any dishes and utensils that you have brought from home or that belong to your business. If you leave your dishes (plates, cups, utensils, etc.) in the kitchen during the day, be sure to collect them before leaving the premises.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Our HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system is set to maintain a comfortable temperature in the workspaces during the day. We favour energy savings outside of regular working hours. Weather conditions may require the indoor temperature to be adjusted. Contact us if necessary.


Some Hedhofis spaces have bike racks or a bike storage area. Contact us for more information.


As a member, you can access all Hedhofis spaces with your card. However, each workspace is equipped with a separate access management system. So be sure to always have your card with you. If you need to enter another Hedhofis space and use its elevators, be sure you have the necessary access.

All of your team members can access our spaces if they have the card required. If someone leaves your team, it’s important to return their card so that we can remove their access.

Opening hours. Our spaces are open 24/7. However, an additional key or chip is required to access most buildings outside of office hours. You can get one for $25. Contact us for information on the procedure to follow and to get the necessary accesses.

Lost access card. A $25 fee will be billed to your account to replace a lost access card.


As a Hedhofis member, you can host guests in your offices. However, you are responsible for any guests and must ensure that they are accompanied at all times.


Internet is available to all Hedhofis members. You can get the Wi-Fi password through the Archie app.

Personal network. It is not permitted to install or use your own router without prior approval from the Hedhofis team. Contact us if you need special equipment or outlets. Fees may apply.

Network : Hedhofis-wifi
Password : Hedhofis&co

Office cleaning

Our maintenance team dusts the surfaces, vacuums and empties garbage cans in all spaces, including inside the offices. Take apart any boxes and packaging if you want maintenance to take these to be recycled.


Since Hedhofis offices are shared spaces, there are a few simple rules to follow to ensure a harmonious experience for all.


At Hedhofis, you have access to private offices, open plan areas, “phone booths,” meeting rooms, lounges and a kitchen. When you leave a room, be sure to leave the space clean and tidy for the next user (erase the whiteboards, put the chairs back in their place, gather any dishware, throw out any trash, etc.).

Also, be sure to pick the right spot to have a conversation or make a phone call, to be respectful of the people around you. Pay particular attention to the volume of your devices (computer, smartphone, etc.).


Respect the booking times of the rooms so as not to prevent another Hedhofis member from being able to access the room as planned. When available, the phone booths can be used for virtual meetings or telephone calls. This prevents unnecessary monopolization of a conference room.


With its vibrant environment that fosters creativity, productivity, chance encounters and networking, Hedhofis is more than just a workspace. We encourage members of the Hedhofis community to collaborate and share their experience and knowledge. So don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation with other members!


Want to bring your pet to the office? You can, if your building allows it! Be sure to ask the other Hedhofis members if the presence of an animal will bother them. Keep your animal companion on a leash at all times in the common areas. Do not allow them to climb on or damage the furniture. Finally, clean the premises after bringing your pet.

Thank you for choosing Hedhofis!

We’re so glad you chose Hedhofis as your workspace.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We’re here to help!

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